Ok some more general info and housekeeping.
Firstly. Thanks everyone for visiting the site, commenting, and joining etc. The site has been far more successful than I had ever imagined and only keeps growing. I am really sorry my posts have been so sporadic lately....life has been busy. I still really enjoy faking though and have no intention of stoppiing any time soon.
Upcoming events/plans:
1. In 6 months or so of this site going up we are rapidly closing in on 1 million hits and I am definitely planning on taking some time to produce a large bunch of fakes (including requests) for when we reach the milestone. Should be later this month if traffic stays stable.
2. Olympics. Will try to get out some fakes of Olympic stars out there during the event. Should be fun. I am hoping it doesn't coincide with my 1 million hits celebration.
3. Site redesign. The layout I made for the site is getting a bit old for me. Not sure what exactly I am going to change but I plan a major overhaul this fall. Probably around the time fall semester starts and I have a brief window of a week or so to really work on it.
Other stuff/reminders
If you want to comment with a link to your own site please feel free to do so ONLY IF you also post a legitimate comment. Any spam will be removed.
A reminder that I do not do fakes of people who you know in real life who are not celebrities.
I also do not do underage celebs.
I had made a few faking guides in the past (really bad fakes drive me nuts lol) but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of interest in it so it has been put on hold for the time being.